Propel Trampoline With Enclosure: Compact 7 Foot Size Makes This Ideal For Indoor And Outdoor Use

If there was a memory of unbridled abandon and laughter in your childhood, what would it be of? Would it be you playing in the outdoors, building a fort, or going on some adventure with your playmates?

Could it perhaps be of fun on a trampoline? After all, what could be more exciting than bouncing your afternoons away and going to bed knowing that you made grand use of your time—or at least knowing that you were as tired as can be.

If you’ve been thinking of investing in some play equipment for your little one, a trampoline may be a good idea. Of course, while it does promise many days of fun and excitement, you also want to find one that has safety features. You want an option that will promise durability and stability.

While safety rules and guidance are important on the part of the parents and child, it also helps when the trampoline that you choose has top features. From padded springs to a strong, reliable safety net, you most likely want a dependable product that doesn’t have any hazardous parts.

A trampoline that offers both versatility and functionality is the Propel Trampoline 7 foot. If you’ve read Propel trampoline reviews, then you know that it’s a decent choice. If you know nothing about it, then read our guide to determine if it’s the right choice for you and yours.

Quick Overview

The Propel is unique in that it can be used both indoors or outdoors, due to it’s small size. As a 7-foot option, it can fit in a large space in your home or go in your backyard. With a yellow and black safety pad, this trampoline is fun and eye-catching.

The safety pad stays in place by attaching to the frame and helps to keep your child safe from falling on the 40 springs. 40 springs on a trampoline this size is enough to keep the mat bouncy and sturdy.

Another feature that ensures your little one’s safety is the enclosure net that keeps them from falling off. The net also has a zipper to ensure that the little ones don’t accidentally fall out during use and with clips, you can be sure that the kids will be well protected while bouncing. The net is also secured to the mat to ensure that there is no way that the kids can accidentally get pinched by the springs.

If you’re concerned about sturdiness, you’ll appreciate that the Propel has an advanced T-bracket system that ensures that the legs stay stable over months of use. The T-brackets lock into the legs and can absorb high impact.

With a weight capacity of 150 lbs., this option isn’t ideal for most adults, but can work well for children up to 12 years old. It has galvanized metal on many parts of the trampoline which helps it to stand up to harsh weather and stay strong for months on end.

Because the height of the Propel is only around 22-inches from off the ground, it can fit almost anywhere.

One thing to keep in mind while setting up the trampoline is that while it is small, it’s a bit tricky to put together on your own. You may want to use a tool for attaching the springs. If there is more than one adult in the household, it’s best if you set it up together.

The Propel also comes with a Jump-N-Jam basketball hoop and ball for added fun.


  • It can fit indoors or be set up outdoors, making it a highly versatile option
  • It’s sturdy and has stable legs which ensure safety
  • The net enclosure is well-made and reliable with a zipper and clips
  • ​The springs have a padded cover for added protection
  • It’s priced affordably and won’t be a costly investment


  • The Propel is quite challenging to assemble alone
  • Its instructions are difficult to understand

Top Features

With a large variety of trampolines to choose from, you may be a bit confused about what to look for when shopping. The Propel has some of the features that parents will want to have on their children’s trampolines. Check out the following features when looking for a new trampoline:

Net Enclosure

The Propel includes a net enclosure that has all the right safety features for a safe experience. For example, the zipper and clips on the entrance allow for safe jumping without you having to fear the kids falling through the opening. It’s also impact absorbent which ensures fun, drama-free jumping.

Mat and Spring Cover

You want a mat that offers a good bounce. The Propel does a good job with its abundance of springs that hold the mat just right, for safe and fun bouncing. It also has a sure lock frame pad which won’t slide off and adds protection against the springs. It’s placed around the enclosure and helps to ensure that the kids don’t have accidents related to springs.

T-Bracket System and Legs

The T-bracket system used on the Propel helps to ensure that trampoline stays stable while in use and also helps to prevent twisting. The t-brackets lock into the 4 legs, adding even more stability to the Propel. This is a highly important feature as all the other safety features mean nothing if you don’t have a stable frame to depend on.


While the Propel may not be the best option for older children or for adults who want to do some rebounding, its size is perfect for younger children. It is easy for you to set it up in your home or you can easily fit it in a small backyard. If you’re a parent looking for a small-sized trampoline for your toddler or young child, this is the perfect size for them.

Basketball Hoop and Ball

You’ll want to keep an eye on the kids playing with the ball and hoop, as toys on trampolines can be risky. But, if they can play responsibly, this is a great accessory. It helps kids with their motor skills and coordination and adds a fun factor to an already fun experience.

While a basketball game on this trampoline is out of the question, it sure is a fun way for your child to practice playing a fun sport.

Safety Tips for Kids

If you want something that is reliable and safe for your child, the Propel isn’t a bad idea. It’s priced well and has safety features that you’ll want for your child. Of course, safety goes beyond the equipment. The following tips can help your little one stay safe while they have a great time on the Propel:

  • Only allow two little children at once or only one older child. The Propel is big enough for two toddlers or small children to be on at a time, but it isn’t big enough for two older children to bounce together. To avoid accidents, limit it to two toddlers or one older child. Keep in mind that its weight limit is only 150 lbs. and it isn’t that spacious.

    Most trampoline accidents are caused by too many kids bouncing at once, so this is an important thing to pay close attention to.
  • Set up rules that your little ones can understand to help them understand safety on the trampoline. Because you may be buying the Propel for your toddler, it could be difficult to talk to them about safety. But, you can teach them how to play safely, so that even though you’re watching them play, they will be able to play responsibly.
  • Consider a slide and stair accessory for easy use. To help make it easier for the kids to get on and off, consider purchasing a slide and stair accessory for your Propel. Bear in mind that the Propel isn’t that high off the ground, so make sure to pay attention to measurements before purchasing it.
  • Make sure that you’ve assembled it right before allowing the kids to get on. Stability is the name of the game when it comes to a trampoline. Before you allow the kids on it, make sure that you’ve assembled the trampoline correctly. If you’ve followed the manual and done everything right, it should be fine, but test it out before they do.​
  • Don’t allow tricks and flips. Flips can seem like a lot of fun for kids jumping on a trampoline, but they are one of the top causes for accidents. As much as they might want to, limit your children from doing tricks that could cause serious injury. Also, because the space is somewhat limited on the Propel, older kids won’t have enough space to do safe flips, so make sure that they clearly understand that it isn’t allowed.
  • Be careful about what toys you allow on the trampoline. The Propel comes with a basketball hoop and basketball. This should be rather safe for your kids to play with on the trampoline, but don’t allow your tykes to bring toy cars, barbies, Legos, or other sharper objects onto the mat. From tripping to falling on top of a sharp toy, toys can be hazardous.

    Keep the toys in the toy bin and the trampoline as a place for exercise and bouncing.
  • Don’t leave kids unattended. As safely as your kids may play and as safe as the Propel is, you don’t want to leave them alone on the trampoline. It takes a second for a serious accident to happen and it could take a second to save their lives, so make sure that you stay with them while they’re playing.
  • Help your little ones off and on the trampoline. If your child is older, they may be perfectly fine getting off and on the trampoline, but toddlers may struggle a bit. Although the zipper entrance is a great safety feature, it can be tricky for little ones to get through this type of opening. They may need assistance to get through and you’ll need to zip it close after them, anyway.

Each parent knows their children and their preferences for play equipment rules. Consider the above tips when choosing to use a trampoline and think about the best way to ensure your children’s safety on this fun yet potentially hazardous equipment.


The Propel trampoline is an ideal option for parents of young children. Some toddler rebounders don’t come with safety nets, making them somewhat dangerous for little children. Bigger trampolines may often come with nets, but are too large for your home or backyard.

The Propel is a great option for parents who want something safe and small for their young kids to get their energy out. It doesn’t cost much, and it has some ideal safety features. From its T-bracket system that ensures sturdy legs and frame to the net enclosure, the Propel is a great deal. It’s also easy to find Propel trampoline parts, should you need replacements.

While it may not work for older children, it should last for when your kids are little, and you want to keep them entertained during time off. From summer days to weekends, a trampoline can help your children get exercise while also having a blast. Happy bouncing!

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