Ancheer GS Approved Trampoline: Full Size Gymnastics Options With Net And Safety Features

Ancheer GS Approved Trampoline

Anyone with children knows one thing: those little people can be full of energy. They bounce off the walls. They jump all over the place. They run around in circles and boy, do they make noise. But, you love them, right?

As much as you love them, you may be desperate for a way to help them get that unbound energy out. Where and how do you make this happen? Well, you could take them to parks and different places to amuse them, but sometimes YOU don’t have the energy to be all over the place.

Before you dismay about keeping them entertained during the times when they aren’t in school, consider the idea of getting a trampoline. It can also double up as exercise equipment for you, making it a worthwhile investment.

You’ll want to consider safety features, size, and other things before buying one for your yard. But, investing in a trampoline could be the answer to helping your kids use up their energy before bed times.

Of course, with so many products around, how do you choose the one that will be safe, sturdy, and durable? It’s important to do your research beforehand.

A decent option that has safety features and unique features is the ANCHEER Gymnastics Trampoline with enclosure. It has several of the things that one should look for when shopping. Consider the following information to determine if it’s the one for you.

Quick Overview

This trampoline is available in three different sizes, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. If you have a smaller backyard, you may want the smaller size yet if you have a few kids, a bigger one might be better.

Because the frame is truly one of the most important things to consider on a trampoline, you’ll appreciate this one. It has a heavy-gauge galvanized steel frame which can stand up to plenty of use and pressure.

With rust-resistant springs, the ANCHEER trampoline will keep a good bounce for a long time. The springs won’t wear out easily from bad weather and with 72-108 springs (depending on size), there are plenty to go around. The PVC foam spring pad is also beneficial in keeping the springs protected and the kids safe, as well.

If there was one safety feature that you should not be without, it would be the net enclosure. A net will keep them from flying off the trampoline; which is something that happens more often than not. With a dual closure zipper system, you can ensure that the kids won’t be able to fall off while jumping. It also helps to keep the net tense, so that there is no way that they can break through should they hit it. The poles that hold up the net are also made from quality materials, so you can trust that they will stand strong as well.

Because it’s UV resistant, it can stay strong for months to come—even with the kids jumping against it. The net goes around the spring pad. The mat has UV protection for more durable use. You don’t want the mat to break easily, so its always good that it can stay strong in the sunshine. It also has a great bounce.

The ANCHEER also includes a ladder, so that your kids can easily climb up and get off. It’s sturdy and easy to climb, so even if they are younger, they’ll be able to get on and off without too much trouble.  With a weight limit of up to 375 pounds, you can allow a few kids at a time or even have a couple of adults on it at once. While it does have a high weight limit, it’s always best to keep from having too many people on it at a time. The ANCHEER includes a manual and installation video, for easy installation.


  • It has plenty of rust-resistant springs for more durable use
  • It has a strong and UV resistant mat for long-lasting use
  • It is available in different sizes, so you can choose the best size for your home
  • It has a strong and durable net, so you can rely on it keeping your kids safe
  • The frame is made from strong materials, which helps you depend on its sturdiness


  • The instructions aren’t so easy to understand
  • It is challenging to assemble it on your own

Other Accessories To Consider

The ANCHEER has some great features that help to keep your kids safe and have a good time. If you want to be sure that you have everything you need to have a safe experience and keep your ANCHEER 15 ft trampoline safe from the elements, consider the following items, as well:

Weather Anchors

If you happen to live in an area with a windy climate or face harsh weather throughout the year, you may want to consider weather anchors. There have been instances where trampolines flip over when there’s too much wind. To ensure that this doesn’t happen while your kids are jumping, consider weather anchors.

Basketball Hoop

A basketball hoop can be an extra to help make the trampoline an even more fun experience. It can help your kids with their coordination and provide them with an activity to do while bouncing. Obviously, you want a toy basketball hoop, as using a real one is going to be a bit too heavy for the net and a real basketball may be a bit tricky to have on the trampoline.  

Mat Cover

Although the ANCHEER trampoline has a UV resistant mat, it doesn’t hurt to protect it even more. You can protect it from the rain and other things with a mat cover. The mat is what will keep your trampoline being a trampoline, so make sure that you keep it safe and durable.

Safety Tips

As you consider buying a trampoline, make sure to keep some safety tips in mind. The following safety ideas can help to give you a guideline to follow when using a trampoline. You want your kids to have fun while also staying safe. Bad accidents do happen on trampolines, so make sure to do your best to ensure safety:

  • Always make sure that the enclosure is secure and closed. While the kids are jumping, you should make sure that the zipper is shut. You don’t want to leave it open, as they could easily fall through the opening. Keep it closed and teach them how to shut it.
  • Don’t allow more than a couple of kids at a time. Too many kids jumping at once can and usually leads to accidents, even if they are just smashed fingers or hurt egos. Two children may be alright, but up to 4 at a time is not a good idea.
  • Keep sharp objects away and off of the trampoline. Sharp objects can cause serious accidents if your child falls off of the trampoline. Sharp toys on the trampoline like toy cars and other items can also cause serious falls or injury.
  • Make sure to always supervise your kids. While it may be clear, you should always watch your kids on the trampoline. Accidents can happen at any moment, even with all the best safety features. Make sure that you help to avoid them happening. From breaking up fights that could cause accidents to making sure that rules are followed, watching your kids jump is important.
  • Gymnastic stunts may not be the best idea. Unless your child actually practices gymnastics, don’t let them take it up now on the trampoline. Flips that aren’t done correctly can lead to serious, long-lasting injury. If your child does practice gymnastics, you’ll still want them to exercise caution while jumping, especially as they won’t be training at their gym.
  • Go over guidelines and rules with the kids before allowing them to jump. If they are old enough, your children should know what they can and cannot do on the trampoline. Make it clear that if the rules aren’t followed, there will be no trampoline time. Emphasize the importance of following the rules.
    You may even want to post the rules up in some area near the trampoline, so that they have it clear in their minds every time that they want to jump.
  • Remove the ladder when you aren’t able to supervise the kids jumping. If you are busy in the house and won’t be able to supervise your kids jump, store the ladder. Little ones may get excited about jumping whenever and wherever. While you do want them to be able to get on and off alone, you don’t want that happening when you’re not around.
  • Make sure that it’s been assembled correctly. From the springs to the frame, you want to make sure that everything is assembled correctly. You don’t want to put a trampoline together, only to find that the mat isn’t as bouncy as it should be. Or that the frame is not as sturdy as you need it to be.
  • Teach your little ones how to use the ladder properly. If it’s the older kids jumping, they may already know how to use a ladder well. If your toddlers are using the trampoline, teach them how to climb up and down safely to avoid accidents.

Exercise Ideas

If you want the ANCHEER to help you get your exercise, you are on the right path. Rebounding fitness is great for you and can help you stay healthy. From toning your body to helping your lymphatic system, jumping on a trampoline is good for you. It’s also a great way for those who can’t enjoy high-impact exercise to enjoy movement.

Consider these ideas for a better workout and a more fun-filled time:

  • Put on some music and dance while jumping. You may look a bit crazy to your neighbors, but who cares? You’ll be feeling good and helping yourself to look good and that’s all that should matter to you.
  • Do your typical squats and lunges routine. With the added effort of being on the trampoline, you will get even better results from your routine.
  • You can do anything from sit-ups to jumping jacks on the ANCHEER. You can do any of your favorite exercises on the trampoline. From knee lifts to core twists and jogging in place, there is no limit to the exercises that can be done on a trampoline.
  • Simply bounce. Even just bouncing can help to move your body in the right way and to get your heart pumping. Even just 20 minutes of bouncing can be enough to burn some calories and help your body to feel good. You can even join in with your kids to bounce, which is also beneficial in keeping an eye on them, spending time with them, and getting some exercise in.

Before jumping, make sure that your health allows for it. If you have any health conditions, check with your doctor to ensure that its safe and won’t harm you. Most people are perfectly fine to jump on a trampoline, but if you have recently had some serious injury or have health issues, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.


Are you ready to start bouncing? Have your kids been begging you for a trampoline? The ANCHEER is a reasonably priced option that offers several great features. Whether you want the small, medium, or large, you have different sizes to choose from to ensure that it fits your backyard.

As long as you follow safety tips and do your best to use the ANCHEER responsibly, it’s a great idea. For it’s price, quality, build, and features, it surely is worth giving it a shot.

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