Best Rectangle & Square Shaped Trampolines:
Where to Buy Them?

Family Jumping

Large trampolines can be one of the most entertaining and most active forms of play and exercise for the whole family. For anyone with a relatively decent sized backyard, a trampoline is a fantastic addition.

Just as surprising, perhaps, is the wide variety of options when it comes to them. They come in over three different shapes and even more size options. Not to mention for various purposes, including underwater (I know right?).

So, before making any choices, you want to make sure you have reviewed your options pretty thoroughly to make sure you get the right one, which is why we have created this guide to help make an informed decision before you hit the buy now button. 

Why You Need to Know About Trampoline Shapes

One of the things you will need to spend decent time considering is actually what shape will work best for your family and your yard. This may come as a surprise, since many assume the shape of the trampoline is purely for aesthetics. However, the shape really is about so much more.

The shape ultimately plays a role in determining the total jumping area, the bounce (how consistent and how high) and the amount of yard space it takes up. It can even effect the price. 

The two most common and popular shapes that we will be focussing on today are:

  • Rectangular models
  • Square models

However, it's important to remember there are other shapes and sizes such as an oval trampoline, but today we will only be exploring the more popular shapes. A square model has perhaps the largest jumping surface, when you measure it from one corner across to its opposite corner. Square trampolines have a much higher weight limit than round or oval ones and tend to provide a bigger bounce. They are also the easiest with regards to yard placement.

Rectangular jumpers have the best and most even bounce because of the spring placement. These trampolines are considered ideal for gymnasts as a result, however, they may be a bit unwieldy for young and inexperienced jumpers. They also tend to be the most expensive.

Family Jumping in a big trampoline

So, now that you have some information about the general differences between shapes, you now know to consider the age, weight and experience of your jumpers as well as the main purpose of the trampoline, before choosing a shape.

However, even once you know what shape you think will work best for you and your family, there are other details to consider. Below, take a look at the top three rectangular and best square trampolines reviews currently on the market.

Our Review of the Top 3 Rectangle Trampolines

Rectangle trampolines are very fun options with all of the bounce they provide. They are known to be especially excellent choices if you have an aspiring gymnast in the family. Because the springs work independently, they provide a more even bounce across the whole area, regardless of where the individual jumped from and can help provide a lot of air time. However, they are still a great choice for the average for-fun jumper as well, though a safety net might be a good idea, since the jump is a little less wieldy for the inexperienced.

However, you still have some choices to make, even if you know that a rectangular model is what you want. You need to consider which brand, whether you want a big or small and whether your priority is finding the best trampoline or one that is relatively cheap while still being safe.

You will also need to consider the size of the space available in your yard. Your kids my love a trampoline that is 10x17 ft, but if you only have a space that is 6 ft by 12 ft, that obviously will not work. Fortunately, each shape usually has a wide variety of dimensions to choose from.

1. Skywalker 15ft 

The Skywalker rectangular trampoline is 9 ft by 15 ft and is constructed with even bounce from end to end, a great feature for any intending to practice gymnastics on the bouncer.

Additionally, the Skywalker has excellent safety features. It comes with a net enclosure that uses a “no-gap” system. This means the enclosure attaches in such a way as to keep the springs and gaps outside of the jumping area. This prevents hands, feet and limbs from landing in the gaps between springs or in the springs themselves.

It is solidly constructed, utilizing galvanized steel t-sockets to reinforce the joints and connection of the enclosure frame to the trampoline legs. It is made with springs that are tightly coiled and rust-resistant, with 16 of the most weight bearing and susceptible springs made of extra thick steel.

All in all, the Skywalker is a strong, effective and extremely safe trampoline that even meets the ASTM safety standards. In our opinion, one of the most highly-recommended rectangle trampoline for sale at the moment.

2. The Upper Bounce 

This trampoline comes in 8x14 ft and 9x15 ft size options. It is constructed from a black-coated galvanized steel for extra durability and strength. The springs are also must from rust resistant materials and have a padded cover to help protect them from the elements, furthering their life span.

The Upper Bounce comes with safety-net enclosure made of Terylene mesh, with a dual zipper and sturdy latch to ensure jumpers remain safely inside the enclosure. Another excellent feature of this enclosure is that it also uses the no-gap system, meaning jumpers cannot accidently end up caught in the springs or the gaps between the springs.

The enclosure is held up by a frame constructed of curved poles that are padded by foam sleeves, protecting jumpers who accidentally collide with the poles. The colors of the foam padding, as well as the safety pad covering the springs, come in neat, cool colors to add some pizazz to your back yard. This is definitely one of the best rectangular trampoline in the market. 

3. The Jumpking Rectangle 10 x 14 ft 

A big jumper with the largest dimensions of the three, the Jumpking rectangular trampoline has many of the same excellent features.

Its safety net enclosure prevents jumpers from falling off and also keeps them from falling into the gaps between the springs with its no-gap system. The netting is made of a polyethylene mesh, strong enough to keep boisterous bouncers safely inside and durable against the weather. The poles holding up the netting are sleeved with a foam padding, so as to protect those jumpers who accidently collide with them. The foam is in a fun teal color, matching the spring padding.

This trampoline also comes with a foam padding that helps protect its springs and which gives added protection to the jumpers. Its frame is constructed of durable metal meant stand up to hours of endless bouncing as well as to inclement weather in your backyard. It is built to last for a long time.

Our Review of the Top Square Trampolines

Perhaps, after looking at the available space and talking it over, you and your family have decided that a square trampoline is what you really want to buy. They are easier to fit into corners or tight spaces, while still providing enormous jumping area. While not quite as bouncy as a rectangle model, they still provide excellent bounce and can still be used by your little gymnasts.

Again, though, the choices do not stop there. There are many varieties of square trampolines for sale as well, both small and large, cheap and expensive.

As before, it is important that you know the dimensions of the space available (since a 10 ft space can’t hold a 12 ft model), as well as what features (such as safety, material quality, etc) are most important to you. Once you have the above details in hand, then it will be easier for you and your family to select the best trampoline for you.

Currently, there are two specific products that rise to the top as the best square trampoline options. Choosing either of these will be a great decision.

1. Skywalker 14ft 

This Skywalker trampoline provides excellent and equal bounce from corner to corner. It includes safety net that will ensure that jumpers remain safely on the jumping area without falling off. It also utilizes the no-gap system so that no one ends up in the springs either.

In every aspect, the Skywalker is built with safety in mind. It has a galvanized steel interlocking frame that can withstand a great amount of use as well as inclement weather. You will not have to be worried about the parts rusting or wearing down and endangering your jumpers. 

Additionally, the thick steel springs, of which there are a total of 96, are rust resistant and protected by a heavy duty pad to help protect them from weather and protect others from getting pinched. With all of these safety features, this trampoline easily meets and even exceeds ASTM safety standards.

2. Bounce Pro 15ft 

This is a very big trampoline for the whole family to enjoy. Rated as “extra-large,” it is 15 foot by 15 foot and is even longer corner to corner.

The Bounce Pro comes with a SteelFlex safety enclosure to ensure no one comes flying off. The netting is connected by eight foam-padded steel poles, so if anyone collides with them, they will be able to carry on unhurt. A rod at the top of the netting connects the netting to the poles to also prevent the net from sagging, which improves its aesthetics.

Additionally, the frame and springs are constructed from tough, wear and tear resistant materials. The frame is made from rust-resistant galvanized steel and the springs are protected by a pad protector. The jump mat is also made of UV-resistant materials, so that it will not fade and wear too quickly.

This large trampoline can hold a maximum of 220 lbs. and will provide hours of safe and healthy entertainment for any family.

Final Thoughts: What is the Right Size For You?

Toddlers Playing in an affordable playground

Ultimately, you have a lot to think about when choosing a trampoline for you and your family. While there are oval, rectangular, square products and more, they do each have their own unique features and benefits. It would be wise to familiarize yourself with how, for instance, a square model will compare to an rectangular one.

The differences will not only be in shape and aesthetics, but in the experience as well. For instance, both square and rectangle trampolines are considered semi-professional, because they provide the most even and ideal bounce, which is necessary for gymnasts.

The durability will also be different. The weight that a square or rectangle model can bear will be different than what an oval or circular one can. So, before you choose your shape, consider the age and weight of the future bouncers as well as the main purpose of the trampoline for your family. Is it purely for fun and recreation, or do you have a gymnast in the family?

Once you know the above, it will be easier for you to choose the shape. Once you have that down, you of course, need to know the dimensions of where you intend to put a bouncer and go from there.

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